Nostril Retainer
The nostril retainer is a U-shaped device made of medical silicone. U-shaped arms are designed to give the nose an aesthetically perfect shape. Its arms are connected to each other over the columena to form a nasal bridge.
Click photo to see technical picture.
Sterilization of the Product
Before the first use of the medical device, follow the instructions below in order.

1-) Put the product in its box. Fill the box with approximately 10 ml of water up to the step section on the middle wall of the box.

2-) Close the lid of the box and put the device in the microwave oven. Set the power to a value between 750-1000-Watt. Set the time setting to 3 minutes.

3-) Wait at least 5 minutes for the box to cool down.
*If you do not have a microwave oven, you can also do this by exposing the device with its box to UV light or keeping it in boiled water. If you do not have access to any of these, wipe the device cleanly using the Alcohol Swab (wet wipes containing high alcohol content), which is supplied to you with the device in the cardboard box of the product.

The product here prohibits the following acts.

Refrain from exposing Ultraviolet Ray for long time
1 \ Device dimensions
Nostril retainers are manufactured in multiple sizes and design configurations.
There are 14 sizes for the device. The first 6 sizes are designed as a pediatric series for cleft lip/palate treatment. Sizes 7 to 14 are in the adult series and are generally used on adults after various nose surgeries.
For the first 6 sizes in the pediatric series, wings that expand from the arms to the sides are placed, unlike the adult series. These wings are connected to each other with the help of an elastic handle from the back of the patient's head and ensure that the device is fixed in the nasal canal. (Pediatric use. Treatment of cleft lip/palate.)
Each nostril shaping device is sealed with a body size number at the midbridge area where it contacts the columenal wall.
The attending physician should ensure that he or she selects the appropriate size and design configuration for the patient.
Click to see dimensions table.
2 \ Device material information
3 \ Indications for use
Nostril shaping devices are produced from medical grade silicone compatible with the organism. The hardness value of the selected silicone is soft enough not to disturb the patient and is durable enough to support the correct structuring of the nose during the healing process.
The nostril retainer is designed to correct the deterioration of the nostril and general asymmetrical problems that may occur in the nostril due to surgery and the healing process, after aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty, after rhinoplasty, after nose remodeling surgery and / or after primary and secondary rhinoplasty.
Fast travel
Click the buttons below to see biocompatibility test reports.
Irritation test report
Cytotoxicity test report
Sensitization test report
Stability test report
4 \ Why does it not cause a nose slipping or protrusion problem?

1-) Before the device is inserted into the nose, it is opened by applying force from both arms.
2-) The device is inserted into the nose with both arms open.
3-) Due to the natural restoring elastic structure of silicone, the product regains its original form in the nose. (Latch effect.)
*This feature is protected by the design registration certificate. In case of imitation, legal action will be initiated.
5 \ Small differences determine the perfect design

While designing the nostril retainers, it is thought that when the device enters the nasal canal, it will be placed parallel to the nasal bone.
This approach does not overlap with the actual nose anatomy.
Due to the wrong approach, the surface, where the middle wall of the device holding the arms comes into contact with the columena,
is designed as a straight line.

Anatomical harmony was obtained between the bridge connecting the arms of the device over the columena and the columena.
6 \ Compatible auxiliary products
Nose shaping mold trial set (not silicone, non-sterile),
An optional accessory.
The real product has no chance to be tested. It is used to select and give the appropriate size product to the patient by the doctor.
*This apparatus is distributed free of charge by the manufacturer to hospitals, clinics and related doctors.
! \ Important notes
*All explanations and explanations on this page are for informational purposes only. The information given cannot replace the independent medicine and the specialist physician who performs the treatment.
*As a manufacturer, Erfecen does not provide medical advice or medical services. Providing the necessary treatment based on the technical knowledge of the patient's medical condition and the individual special conditions should always be performed by the specialist physician who performs the treatment. It is the responsibility of specialist physicians to provide the patient with necessary information about possible risks, complications and benefits of certain products and procedures.
*As with other medical devices, infections and possible complications may not be related to the device itself.
* Most importantly, while preparing the nostril shaping device for use, aseptic care can be provided at the highest level after the device's hand contact. During the use of the device, the entire responsibility lies with the patient using the device. For this reason, before the device is given to the patient, the specialist physician should guide the patient about the care of the device and the potential risks it may pose while using it.
Click to see Product Tracking System certificate.